World is full of misconceptions and myths.

To start with, most of the budding Photographers of present generation, think that, Wildlife Photography is all about well renowned Wildlife Sancturies, National Parks, fancy Jeeps, big-big lens of Canon 100-400 mm, and high end DSLRS.

Wildlife Photography, is actually viewing any specific animal or bird, studying its behavior and clicking it to our best resources, which might be a Beginner Camera or a Mobile Phone. You can get the opportunity of clicking such shots anywhere, like it may be your Home roof terrace, balcony, open park or a zoo. Not necessary a Wildlife reserve or a Sanctuary.

Color Vs. Black and White Photography in Wildlife.

Its entirely your choice. I personally like the B&W Photos of Animals and Birds. But its not that I click in Monochrome mode. I click in color and monochrome both and in RAW. Later, I choose which tone gives the best preference to my pic.

Resources Used

The following Photo is of a Deer. I might not be sure if it is a Sambar Deer clicked in New Delhi’s National Zoological Park.

Though color photo looks awesome, but I feel that Black and White Photography enhances the feel.


Sambhar Deer Black and White Photography


Camera Used:

Cannon 1300D
F/5.6 (Aperture Priority)
Shutter (Auto)
ISO 500

Post processing:
Adobe Lightroom Classic CC