Beauty of Leading Lines in Photography Composition

Hello Friends once I welcome you back to the next aspect of Composition in Photography – The Leading Lines

As already discussed earlier, Composition is the Frame, where the proper placement of the subject alongwith the surroundings makes a Photographer to tell a story. Thus, Composition is the story within a Frame.

Like the Rule of Thirds, this is the second type or aspect of Composition in Photography – the Leading Lines.

What is the concept of Leading Lines?

When we click a Photo, we often get few frames, where there a definite pattern of lines, that lead to the subject or to a particular point. These are similar to the Railway lines which appears to run a long way and converge to meet up a point.

Leading lines are beautiful pattern of lines, that make the viewers attract to the Photograph.

The Photographer must know and identify, which pattern of Leading Lines to use, which makes the Photograph more interesting.

The following diagrams of the Camera Frame will make you to understand what are the Leading Lines.


While just taking shot, trying to identify the Leading Lines in the Blank Frame.


Identifying the Leading Lines within the Frame.


Proper Placement of the Leading Lines.


Different of the Leading Lines.


How to Click Leading Lines Photography?

  1. Try to locate the beautiful patterns in the area where you wish to click.
  2. You can find any linear pattern as long benches, foot steps, parallel rows, which meets up at a point or seems to get converge.
  3. Now try to place the subject in combination of these leading lines.
  4. And click your shot.
  5. The leading lines can be at any part of the frame, not necessary like Rule of Thirds.


The following image is the Agrasen ki Baoli, in New Delhi, which was historically man made underground Water Well. It shows the Best Example of Leading Lines.

Agrasen ki Baoli showing beautiful example of Leading Lines.


So, the following images which I clicked, shows one of the best examples of Leading Lines in Photography Composition.

Agrasen ki Baoli defining the Leading Lines Pattern

Agrasen Ki Baoli. Second Angle view showing Leading Lines


A Beautiful Railway Train showing distinct example of Leading Lines.


Running Upward Stairs of Agrasen ki Baoli


Humayon’s Tomb Entrance showing Parallel convergent entrance with water


Parallel peripheral boundary walls defining beautiful Leading Lines.


Red Fort Delhi Boundary Wall.


Safdurjung Tomb, Delhi Entrance with beautiful Leading path lines



Beautiful Railway Station Stairs giving message, running linear upwards


Conical vision of one of the toms of Humayun’s Tomb, New Delhi, showing angular Leading Lines, parallel trees


Frontal Entrance of Safdurjung Tomb, Delhi on the first floor. The minarets on sides really demonstrate the beautiful aspect of Leading Lines.


World famous example of the Leading Lines. The Qutub Minar of Delhi, India.


Agrasen ki Baoli



Beautiful example of a Train entering a hill Tunnel in Assam, India


I really hope you have like my explanation of the Leading Lines in Photography Composition.

You can also find the complete visual explanation on my Youtube channel Click Ngiser Sattam.


Please do comment.
