Composition in Photography and Rule of Thirds (Part 1)

In Photography, Composition is one of the most important aspect. Composition is the way of telling a story within a Frame.

It tells the Photographer where to place his/her Subject within the Frame, so that it attracts the attention of the viewers.
Composition in Photography is not only about where to place your subject, but it is also about the surrounding of the subject which draws a story-line.


Composition in Photography

There are mainly four aspects of Composition in Photography of how you place your Subject:

1. Rule of Thirds
2. Leading Lines
3. Negative Space
4. Fibonacci Spiral


Types of Photography Composition


This article is about Composition and Rule of Thirds in Photography.

What is Rule of Thirds?

Rule of Thirds is the manner, where we assume two horizontal lines and two vertical lines in our Frame.
And in the corner of the two intersecting points, we place our subject rather than the Middle.

The reason of Rule of thirds, is that, it is found that Human Brain is attracted to such Photograph where the subject for example a wildlife animal is place at the corner of intersecting point, with the remaining area telling the story of the surrounding, rather than in the middle of the Frame which is less attractive.

Rule of thirds is explained by the following diagram:


Intersection points for Composition in Photography


Subject placement in the Frame according to the Rule of Thirds


Subject Placement according to the Rule of Thirds


So, following the Rule of Thirds, really makes the Photo more interesting


Photography of Deer and the Rule of Thirds


Yes, instead of placing the photo right in the center or the middle of the Frame, The Rule of Thirds really makes it more interesting in the Photography Composition, to show your picture in a better and beautiful way.

Following are few of my clicks, where I really followed the concept of Rule of Thirds and story telling in Photography composition.


Resting Leopard and Rule of Thirds.


Lodhi Garden Tomb


The White Tiger


Lodhi Garden Tomb second view


Home Pigeon


Green Bee Eater


Painted Stork


Safdarjung Tomb and Rule of Thirds


India Gate and the Rule of Thirds


So, this was all about the Composition in Photography and the Rule of Thirds.

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